10 de July de 2023 editor_euroemotur

Check out our webinar for Call application

10 Jul 2023

We are pleased to announce that you can now view the launch of the Open Call webinar held on 4 July 2023:

🔵 https://acortar.link/sHcxx8🔵. In addition, the Euro-emotur team would like to announce that a local webinar in Spanish, Italian and Finnish will be held soon.

Keep an eye on our social media and our website, as we will announce it soon and we count on your participation.

Remember that if you are an interested SME in the tourism sector, please apply here:

👉 https://www.etoa.org/projects/emotur/#1665746353028-30193102-cef2


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at projects@etoa.org or euroemotur@ulpgc.es