28 de June de 2024 editor_euroemotur

Living LAB on june 18 at Euroemotur

28 Jun 2024

On June 18, Euro-Emotur witnessed an innovative event called LIVING LAB, which promoted peer-to-peer learning between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and specialized service providers.

For SMEs: Invited SMEs were encouraged to present their challenges, achievements and progress in digitization. This event was not focused on commercial presentations, but on sharing real experiences that can benefit others facing similar challenges. From specific needs to concrete steps taken, SMEs contributed to a dynamic exchange that reinforced collective understanding and growth.

For service providers: Service providers were invited to showcase their solutions and services designed to meet the digital needs of SMEs. More than just a company presentation, the goal was to demonstrate how these solutions can add tangible value to SME operations. This segment aimed to provide SMEs with information on the tools and resources available to drive their digital transformation efforts.

Euro-Emotur’s LIVING LAB event was a unique platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration that drives innovation and progress in the industry.